Since 1954, the Tokyo Motor Show has been showcasing and exhibiting innovative concepts and leading models from the automotive and motorcycle industries. The show takes place every two years and was planned for 2021 in the period from October 20 - 31. Now the organizers see themselves forced to cancel the fair for this year.

Since 1954, the Tokyo Motor Show has been showcasing and exhibiting innovative concepts and leading models from the automotive and motorcycle industries. The show takes place every two years and was planned for 2021 in the period from October 20 – 31. Now the organizers see themselves forced to cancel the fair for this year.


The reason is the currently ongoing global pandemic. In 2019, the event attracted 1.3 million visitors. In the current situation, something like this is too dangerous.


JMA-Chef Akyo Toyoda: “We have concluded that it will be difficult to offer our main programs where many visitors get to experience attractive features of mobility in a safe environment.

The Tokyo auto show showcases motorbikes, minicars, large vehicles, passenger cars, as well as mobility vehicles of other industries. As such, we would like to prioritize having visitors experience these vehicles in the real world, and we would rather hold the event in the real world, not virtually. So, we have decided to cancel the event.”


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-02-22 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  


Tokyo Motor Show

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