The motorcycle industry is eagerly awaiting the CFMoto 1250NK, a result of the collaboration between CFMoto and KTM.  This motorcycle combines a minimalist design with a powerful engine and appears to be ideal for both everyday and leisure use.

Development from concept to production

Inspired by the V.02 NK concept from 2017, CFMoto took considerable steps to turn the idea of a V-Twin streetfighter equipped with a KTM engine into reality.  The concept motorcycle presented itself with a futuristic design and innovative technologies, such as an under-seat radiator.  For the production version, however, the cooling system was moved to a conventional position for practical reasons.


The engine – the centerpiece of innovation

The CFMoto 1250NK plans to use a 1,279cc V-Twin engine, which is already used in the CFMoto 1250TR-G Tourer and promises an output of 140 hp.  However, there are rumors that a larger engine could possibly be used to further increase performance.  Whether this is the 1,301cc “1290” or the latest 1,350cc “1390” engine from KTM, which produces almost 190 hp, remains to be seen.


Design and function

The patent documents reveal a steel trellis tube design frame, which is common at CFMoto.  The external appearance is complemented by non-structural covers.  A special feature is the single-sided swingarm, highlighted by an eye-catching silencer on the right-hand side.


Innovative footrest system

An interesting feature of the 1250NK is the adjustable footrest system, which allows quick and easy adjustment of the footrests and the associated shift and brake levers.  This system offers greater flexibility and comfort for the rider by allowing the position of the footrests to be changed without the use of tools.


Expansion of the NK range

With models already ranging from 125cc to 800cc, the 1250NK is a logical extension for CFMoto.  It enters the high-volume naked bike market and demonstrates CFMoto’s desire to diversify its range and cater to the needs of different riders.


With its powerful engine, innovative features and appealing design, the CFMoto 1250NK could be an interesting proposition for motorcycle enthusiasts looking for a good compromise between performance and everyday practicality.


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-02-25 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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