Suzuki’s entry-level GSX-R125 sports bike gets a minor update and a few new visual elements for 2022.
Euro5 conversion and slight visual changes
The engine has been reworked for Euro5, but Suzuki doesn’t reveal what exactly was needed for that. Nothing has changed in the performance data as a result. The Euro 5-compliant single-cylinder continues to deliver a maximum of 15 PS and 11.5 Nm.
The bug cover has also been changed. The front part was painted, while the part on the exhaust remained unpainted.
New is the Titan Black color scheme, here the fairing was painted black and a gray lettering was applied, the rims are red. Alternatively, one can also opt for Triton Blue.
The new Suzuki GSX-R125 will be available from early summer 2022 at a price of 4,650 euros plus ancillary costs.
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