As already reported Suzuki wants to hold a kind of online fair on the 05th of February, where they will exhibit their LineUp for 2021. Now there is more information how this fair will run and the confirmation of the presentation of new models.

As already reported Suzuki wants to hold a kind of online fair on the 05th of February, where they will exhibit their LineUp for 2021. Now there is more information how this fair will run and the confirmation of the presentation of new models.


Virtual trade show incl. presentations

It should be possible to enter the fair by computer, laptop or smartphone from the 05th of February at 8am. The exhibited motorcycles should then be able to be viewed in a virtual environment, almost as if you were at the fair yourself or at a dealer.

Suzuki, meanwhile, has also announced it will unveil brand new models. Trade show visitors will be able to experience this unveiling directly. What will be unveiled has not yet been revealed.


Configuration and information

Unlike at a real trade show, visitors can configure the exhibits according to their own wishes, including colors and accessories. All the necessary information about each model will also be available.

What interaction with other visitors to the show will look like, however, has not yet been revealed. Presumably, a general chat window will be available here. A limited interaction, only for visitors who are currently looking at the same model, should probably not be expected. However, it would be an interesting function if you could talk shop about a specific model in this way.


Special app required

In order to visit the trade show, an app must be downloaded, which is to be available for the PC from 01/28/2021 at 8:00 am. The app for smartphones is to follow shortly thereafter.

The trade show itself will then start on February 05, 2021 at 8 am. There is no information yet on how long it will run or when the individual models will be presented. However, it can be assumed that not all new models will be available in the app directly at 8 a.m. They will certainly be presented a bit more prominently and at different times.


Link to the app:

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