You can hear the beefy sound of a V2 or the screech of a Four, turns around and sees a motorcyclist in pink bunny costume. What’s going on?

Easter? Yes get there, but I no longer believe in the Easter Bunny is therefore probably still guilty of too much eggnog?  😛

No, the members of the Streetbunnycrew are traveling .

Streetbunnycrew auf der Streetculture 2014 in NürnbergThe Group is committed to social projects or just want to conjure up a smile on the face of passers-by. A good way to improve the setting of ordinary people against bikers.

Just recently they were in Ingolstadt on the way to a fund-raising drive. Good 100 Bunny drove across town to collect donations, or to transfer them. Receiver, the Caritas Center St. Vincent and the € 3,500 disabled children was to come good.

The Streetbunnycrew were founded in late 2011 as a fun in a forum. They just wanted to go to the “Streetculture”, ensure there for something good humor and, of course, noticed something. Meanwhile, they have blossomed into a registered association and introduced the donations trips since last year.

Nach der Spendenfahrt werden die Hasenbeine in die Hand genommen, die Knieschleifer freigelegt und der Hase lässt es brennen :-P
Nach der Spendenfahrt werden die Hasenbeine in die Hand genommen, die Knieschleifer freigelegt und der Hase lässt es brennen 😛

Here is absolutely everything handled loosely, “nothing needs – but all can.” Who has an idea for something, whether party, exit or social affairs, he wears just before and each of the join will makes it easy. As simple as it may be …

Streetbunnycrew auf der Streetculture 2014 in Nürnberg
Streetbunnycrew auf der Streetculture 2014 in Nürnberg

Donated may at any time be, everything else (current fundraiser, scheduled visits, events …) can be found on the side of the Streetbunnycrew . I hope you find many more supporters!
Streetbunnycrew auf der Streetculture 2014 in Nürnberg

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