As Quin Design (actually Quintessential Design) indicates, they have new helmets in their range that are more intelligent and refined than normal smart helmets.

As Quin Design (actually Quintessential Design) indicates, they have new helmets in their range that are more intelligent and refined than normal smart helmets.


Smarter than well-known smart helmets

Like well-known smart helmets, they have a complete Bluetooth system that can be used to pair the cell phone to make calls, listen to music or receive GPS instructions. The waterproof control unit is located on the side of the helmet and is very flat.

In addition to Bluetooth, the Quin helmets are also equipped with sensors that can detect a fall. It should even be recognized whether the driver is still conscious or not.

If the driver is passed out, the helmet automatically activates the rescue and reports the current location.

For other types of emergency, the current location can also be sent manually to an emergency contact in real time. The function is intended for example if you are being followed. To activate it, just click the call button on the helmet three times.


Three helmet models with the same technology

The technology is used in the McQ, The Spitfire and The Ghost helmets. Even if the McQ is an open jet helmet, it is fully equiped. It is made from polycarbonate and is expected to sell for $ 299. It is available in the colors Nero, Grigio and Blu.

The Spitfire is an integral helmet that is certified according to DOT and ECE. It has a polycarbonate shell and an integrated sun visor. Two colors are available. Nero, a black with yellow and white highlights, as well as in Rosso, a dark red with black highlights. The price here is $ 399.

The Ghost is the top model and is made of carbon. It is designed for the road and race track. In “matt black” it costs $ 639. You have to pay 20 dollars more for a shiny black in combination with red.

A modular adventure helmet is also to come later.


Area1 E Mark Led Motorrad Laufeffekt Blinker Lauflicht Sequentiell Schwarz Universal Quad ATV Lauflichtblinker IP67 E Prüfzeichen*
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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-10 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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