A turbulent start to the year for Hickman
The announcement follows an eventful time for Hickman. First it was announced that he and his then teammate Davey Todd had to leave the FHO Racing team despite having previously signed contracts. Shortly afterwards, it was confirmed that both drivers would line up for the new 8TEN Racing team. In addition to his appearances in the British Superbike Championship and road racing, Hickman is now expanding his racing calendar to include the Daytona 200, where he will once again compete with Triumph.
Collaboration with Richard Cooper on Triumph Street Triple 765
At the Daytona 200, Hickman will compete with Richard Cooper, as he did in 2024. Both will ride a factory-supported Triumph Street Triple 765. The collaboration with Triumph has already proven its worth and Hickman is looking forward to taking part again.
Hickman on his return to the Daytona 200
Hickman expressed his excitement about taking part again: “I’m absolutely delighted that Triumph are supporting us again for the Daytona 200. It’s great to have this close association for PHR Performance. Last year we qualified 6th and 7th. Daytona is a unique place to race and set up the bikes properly. Our first year already went quite well, even though the race didn’t go according to plan. I’m all the more looking forward to returning and doing better this time.”
He particularly appreciates working with Richard Cooper: “It’s great to have Richard Cooper back in the team. He is very experienced and fits perfectly into our team. The Street Triple 765 works brilliantly. We have been working hard in the background to develop new parts for the next generation of regulations, in close coordination with Triumph. We also support other teams, including TOBC, who won the 2022 Daytona 200 with an engine developed by us. I can’t wait to get back on the grid and give it my best shot.”
Triumph and the development of the Street Triple 765
The Triumph Street Triple 765 is already a proven model and is being further developed to meet the requirements of the Daytona 200. The close cooperation between PHR Performance and Triumph plays a central role in this, particularly with regard to the next technical regulations.
By returning to the Daytona 200, Peter Hickman is taking on one of the most famous challenges in motorcycle racing and remains a busy rider on the international stage.
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