Already last year, only four races of the EWC could take place due to the worldwide Corona pandemic, three races had to be cancelled. Nevertheless, there was hope for the year 2021 and even another event was planned. However, the new lockdown in France (from March 31) has now led to the temporary cancellation of the 24h of Le Mans.

Already last year, only four races of the EWC could take place due to the worldwide Corona pandemic, three races had to be cancelled. Nevertheless, there was hope for the year 2021 and even another event was planned. However, the new lockdown in France (from March 31) has now led to the temporary cancellation of the 24h of Le Mans.


The motorcycle endurance race was originally planned for April 17th and 18th. However, the new lockdown means that indoor and outdoor gatherings are prohibited, and citizens are also only allowed to move within a 10-kilometer radius of their homes. This currently makes the event impossible.


“Deciding to cancel the 24 Hours Motos was extremely difficult,” said Automobile Club de L’Ouest President Pierre Fillon „Unfortunately, the ongoing pandemic means we cannot uphold our usual organizational standards. My thoughts are with medical workers, who have had a very tough time over the past year or so.”


“Rider safety is a non-negotiable factor and the strain on hospitals both currently and in the coming weeks rules out the holding of the 24H Motos,” noted the Head of Eurosport Events François Ribeiro. “As of today, we are working with the ACO to find a new date to ensure the organization of the FIM Endurance World Championship at Le Mans.”


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