Salt Lake City, Utah USA, hosted the Nitro World Games on August 16th and 17th. In addition to Rallycross, FMX and the Super Hooligan National Championship, there was again the Moto Quarterpipe, a contest that is about the highest jump on the ramp.

New world record on the quarterpipe

The quarterpipe itself is 32 feet high (almost 10 meters) and catapults the riders in total over 70 feet (21 meters) in height. However, only the jump height above the ramp is rated here.

Six drivers started. Quickly crystallized the three favorites out, the champion of 2018 Colby Raha, the Australian Corey Creed and the fan favorite Tyler Bereman. Bereman finished third but did not quite keep up with the other two.

Corey Creed was able to prevail in the end. He managed to win at 45 feet and 7 inches above the ramp (just under 14 meters) and set a new world record.

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