New pact in the racing universe
Something is happening in the world of motocross video games! The Infront Moto Racing company has just signed an exclusive five-year contract with the French games manufacturer NACON. This partnership, which starts on January 1, 2024, extends up to and including 2028 and includes the development and publication of the official video games for the FIM Motocross World Championship (MXGP).
What fans can expect
The tagline for the new games could be “100% official content.” From calendars to teams to sponsors, everything will be true to real motocross life. So the virtual GP should be very close to reality. NACON is already laying hands on the development in cooperation with KT Racing Studio. One can be curious!
The digital change
Until recently, the license for MXGP games was in the hands of the Italian studio Milestone. The studio had been active in the motocross scene since 2012 and had renamed the series MXGP in 2014. They released a new game every year, most recently MXGP 2021 (currently on sale). But now Milestone is focusing on other off-road projects, and the license is switching to NACON.
NACON is part of the BIGBEN Group and has already released a few notable games in recent years. The company is not new to the motorcycle game business. With titles like Tourist Trophy and RiMS Racing, they’ve shown that they know how to bring excitement and realism to the virtual track.
Testimonials from insiders
David Luongo, CEO of Infront Moto Racing, is excited about the new collaboration, “Infront Moto Racing is delighted to start this new collaboration with Nacon for the development of the MXGP video game. The digital world is very important for us as promotor, and covering 360° of the needs of our fans as well. The video game will give the possibility to everybody to engage on the official tracks of the FIM Motocross World Championship with the official riders and compete to becoming a World Champion. We cannot wait to see the first input and result of the development of the new game and I am sure that the realism will be breathtaking. I would like to thank Nacon to partner with us and to give the most popular Off Road Championship in the World such a great platform of gaming”
Alain Falc, CEO of NACON, is also excited, “We are very excited to be able to offer fans the official game of this popular international competition in the near future. We have of course entrusted this new project to the KT Racing teams who have already proven themselves in motorcycle games. They will undoubtedly be able to transcribe into a video game all the complexity of this spectacular discipline which combines reflexes, speed and anticipation”
What does the future hold?
NACON and its KT Racing Studio have not yet revealed any specific details. But one thing is certain: this deal should give fans a platform that does justice to the most watched off-road racing in the world.
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