This marks the end of a partnership that began in 2022, when KTM AG – a subsidiary of the Pierer Mobility Group – initially acquired 25.1% of the shares in MV Agusta via a capital increase. In spring 2024, this stake was increased to 50.1%, giving KTM a majority stake in the luxury brand from Varese. Despite these investments, Pierer Mobility was faced with considerable financial problems at the end of 2024, which ultimately led to the sale of the MV Agusta shares.
MV Agusta remains unaffected by the KTM insolvency
At the end of November 2024, KTM AG filed an application for restructuring proceedings under self-administration – the last lifeline before the threat of insolvency. It became clear early on that a separation from MV Agusta would be part of the financial restructuring. While KTM was struggling with excess stock and weak demand, MV Agusta recorded impressive growth figures in 2024.
The buyback of the shares by Art of Mobility S.A., a company owned by the Sardarov family, means that MV Agusta remains unaffected by the financial difficulties of the Pierer Mobility Group. The purchase price has not been officially communicated, but insiders speak of an enterprise value in the mid double-digit million range – i.e. around 50 million euros (approx. USD 54 million).
MV Agusta with strong growth in 2024
While KTM and Pierer Mobility are struggling with economic difficulties, MV Agusta is experiencing positive development. The company sold around 4,000 motorcycles in 2024, an increase of 116% compared to the previous year. In July 2024, MV Agusta had already exceeded the total sales of 2023.
The brand also achieved record figures in the spare parts business: the availability rate for spare parts for models up to seven years old was 99% in 2024. The dealer structure will be maintained with currently 219 sales outlets and 41 service points worldwide and is to be expanded to 270 locations by the end of 2025.
Timur Sardarov focuses on independence and new models
With the complete takeover, MV Agusta is returning to independent business operations. Production, development, sales and marketing will remain based in Varese. The company plans to push ahead with the next generation of models in order to renew its portfolio.
Timur Sardarov emphasized the importance of this move:
“Regaining full control of the company means that we are now stronger and more focused than ever on excellence. Over the last two years, MV Agusta has significantly strengthened its processes, systems and personnel. These structural changes are the foundation for the exceptional results of 2024 and will continue to drive our success in the years to come.”
With the new corporate structure and an ambitious growth plan, MV Agusta believes it is well equipped for the future. The coming years will show how the brand will develop after the separation from KTM.
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