In the world of motorcycle racing, Michael Dunlop is a living legend, known for his impressive performances and numerous victories at the Isle of Man TT, one of the most dangerous and demanding races of all.  But what may surprise many is that until recently, despite his successes on the race track, Michael Dunlop was not allowed to ride a motorcycle on public roads because he did not have a motorcycle license.

The discovery of a racing legend

Dunlop’s talent on the racetrack is undisputed.  With a career that could soon make him potentially the most successful motorcycle road racer of all time, he has achieved an impressive 25 wins at the Isle of Man TT.  But off the track, he lacked one basic qualification: official permission to ride a motorcycle on the road.


The late step towards legality

At the age of 34, Dunlop decided to remedy this deficiency.  With the help of the Moto Training NI driving school, he set about obtaining his motorcycle license.  The driving school shared the news with some enthusiasm and a touch of humor, but emphasized how gratifying it was that Dunlop had passed his test despite the challenges.  His choice of test bike, a Kawasaki Z650, was in marked contrast to the powerful motorcycles he is used to riding.


On the way to new records

With his newly acquired license in his pocket, Dunlop is now turning his attention back to what he does best: racing.  At the upcoming Isle of Man TT, he has the opportunity to make his mark in the history books by equaling or even surpassing the record set by his legendary uncle Joey Dunlop.  Joey currently holds the record for the most TT victories.  Michael, who already has 25 victories to his name, only needs one more win to equal his uncle’s tally and there is a good chance that he will even surpass him at this year’s TT.

Bestseller Nr. 1
Bestseller Nr. 2
ISLE von MAN TT Rennen MANX Moto GP Rennen 50mm Auto & Motorrad Aufkleber, x4 Vinyl Bike-Helm Aufkleber, Abziehbild*
  • 4 Vinyl aufkleber, 5cm X 3,5cm jeder.
  • Präzisions Computer Cut Adhesive wasserdicht Vinyl Aufkleber
  • Laminiert für mehr Schutz und längere Lebensdauer
  • Geeignet für Innen- und Außeneinsatz
  • Sehr einfach zu anbringen und entfernen
Bestseller Nr. 3
4R 6337 Super geformter Aufkleber Schaltung TT Isle of Man, 10 x 12 cm*
  • Welche komponenten sind im lieferumfang des produkts enthaltenen: 1 Aufkleber

Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-04 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

Michael Dunlop darf Motorradfahren 1
Michael Dunlop: now allowed to ride a motorcycle 7

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