Spanish rider Marc Márquez will replace Enea Bastianini in the official Ducati MotoGP team from next season.  Ducati Corse is pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached with Márquez for the next two years.  At the end of the current season, in which the eight-time world champion (31 years old) will ride the Desmosedici GP of the Gresini Racing MotoGP team, Márquez will join the Ducati Lenovo team and ride the red bike of the Borgo Panigale-based team until 2026.

Introduction by Luigi Dall’Igna

Luigi Dall’Igna, General Manager of Ducati Corse, commented on the change: “First of all, I would like to thank both Enea Bastianini and Jorge Martín for their work in recent years and wish them all the best for the future.  This season they have reached an incredible level and we are sure that they will fight for the title until the end.  The decision about Bagnaia’s new teammate in the Ducati Lenovo team was not easy as we had a list of very strong riders.  In the end, our choice fell on an undeniable talent like Marc Márquez.  In just a few races he has adapted perfectly to our Desmosedici GP and his innate ambition continues to drive him forward.  In the team we will have two riders who have 11 world titles between them, and being able to count on their experience and maturity will be invaluable for our growth.”


Marc Márquez on the change

Marc Márquez was delighted with the new challenge: “I am very happy to be able to wear the red colors of the Ducati factory team in MotoGP next year.  Basically, I enjoyed riding the Desmosedici GP right from the start and immediately adapted well.  From that moment on, I knew that my goal was to continue on this path, to keep growing and to join the team where Pecco Bagnaia was world champion two years in a row.  I am happy to be able to take this big step in 2025 and grateful for the trust Ducati has placed in me.  Finally, I would like to thank Nadia, Carlo, Michele and the whole Gresini Racing family for opening the door to their team at a difficult time in my career.  Now we will continue to have fun and do our best in what’s left of the current season, that’s my priority at the moment.”


Overview of the contract details

The contract with Ducati Lenovo covers a two-year collaboration until 2026 and will see Márquez join the team and compete alongside Francesco Bagnaia for the coming seasons.  This move marks a significant step in the career of Márquez, who can look back on a successful time with Gresini Racing.  The two riders bring a combined 11 world titles to the Ducati team, which will provide the team with valuable experience and maturity.


Significance for Ducati and MotoGP

This collaboration could have a major impact on the dynamics of MotoGP, as Ducati will line up with two exceptionally talented riders.  Márquez’s adaptability and ambition, coupled with Bagnaia’s proven skills, make Ducati a strong contender for future titles.

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