The German Freestyle Motocross World Champion and X Game winner Luc Ackermann showed spectacular stunts on a specially created course in the Duisburg shipping port.

The German Freestyle Motocross World Champion and X Game winner Luc Ackermann showed spectacular stunts on a specially created course in the Duisburg shipping port.


The show ended in a huge backflip, over a 25 meter gap between 2 moving cargo ships on the Rhine. During the stunts series he showed 3 completely new tricks or special variations, so called Worlds First.

Backflip Bonk – This is a backflip under a container hanging at a height of 12 meters. He touched the underside of the container upside down with his back tire.

360° Sand Curtain – a sideways 360 degree rotation around his own axis, under an excavator shovel, which sprinkled him with sand in the process.

And finally a 25 meter Tsunami Backflip from one ship to the other. 

Luc Ackermann has 9 world records, a world championship title and an x Games gold medal. A video of the whole thing is available on RedBull’s Youtube channel.


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