Sales of the new KTM RC 8C super sports bike, a pure race track motorcycle, started at 16:00 on 22. of July 2021. Already at 16:04:32 all 100 models were sold out.
The 25 places for the exclusive handover event in Jerez were also sold out. The motorcycles will be handed over to customers at this event. In addition, the buyers have the opportunity to ride together with Dani Pedrosa and Mika Kallio on the race track.
All those who have been left empty-handed have been able to sign up on a waiting list. If a buyer jumps off, one of the list moves up. The price was 38,999 USD.
The KTM RC 8C was developed in collaboration with Krämer Motorcycles and equipped with high-quality components. The LC8c engine from the 890 Duke R provides propulsion. 128 PS meet a dry weight of 140 kg here.
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