The difficult path through financial cliffs
KSR Group, a company based in Gedersdorf, Lower Austria, and importer of motorcycle brands such as Royal Enfield, CFMoto, Niu and others, is in economic trouble. By filing for judicial reorganization proceedings in September 2023, the company is trying to protect itself from imminent insolvency and continue its operations.
The reasons: A cocktail of challenges
According to the company, its financially precarious situation is caused by a combination of factors. These include high material costs due to the consequences of the pandemic and the Ukraine conflict, as well as increased energy prices and inflation. Exchange rate fluctuations and declining sales due to customers’ reluctance to buy are also contributing to the tense financial climate.
Owners speak out: responsibility and necessity
KSR Group’s owners, Michael and Christian Kirschenhofer, emphasize the importance of the court-ordered restructuring process for the preservation of jobs and the future direction of the company. “In order to accelerate the ongoing restructuring, we now nevertheless see the need to apply for judicial reorganization proceedings without self-administration,” the owners said.
Future plans: reorientation by 2024
KSR Group’s goal is to maintain operations and reposition itself by the 2024 season. The company is confident in the skills of its employees, existing partnerships and the strengths of its brands.
KSR Group: a heavyweight in the industry.
With more than 60,000 vehicles sold annually and a strong presence in various markets and segments, KSR Group is one of the leading importers of two-wheeled vehicles in Europe. The company is also active in the development and production of brands such as A-TO, Brixton Motorcycles, Malaguti and Motron. It is also known as a pioneer in the field of light electric vehicles.
Conclusion: persevere and restructure
KSR Group has taken a decisive step in securing the company’s future and overcoming its financial challenges through the court-ordered restructuring process. While some of the Group’s subsidiaries are not affected by the proceedings, the company’s Smart Products and Mobility businesses also continue to operate as usual.
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