Today there is an interview with Road Racer Wolfgang Schuster (Wolfi # 53). Despite his young age, he has already achieved a lot and also drove already on the Isle of Man.

Here are a few data from Wolfi #53:

Date of birth: 28.08.1987

Occupation: Technician (Automotive Engineering – FH)

Interests: Fitness Center, Garage, Sports

Motorsport Since: 2003 IG premier class 125cc

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi Interview

Greatest hits:

  • Master Czech Road Racing Cup 250cc 2012
  • 2 lap records in 2012
  • Masters ADAC Württemberg-road racing in 2011
  • Victory Road Race Real Horice / CZ 250cc 2011 and 2012
  • Points Championship 250cc 2006
  • IOM round cut 106mph

The interview with Wolfgang Schuster (Wolfi # 53)

  • Since 2003 you doing motorsport and your greatest success you had with 250cc machines. On the Isle of Man were you with an R6. With what will you be on the road in the future?

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi InterviewWolfi: Yeah, right. I grew up with the 250cc 2-strokes. It’s been like ne-established couch or favorite shoes! I will continue to drive even with my 250cc and mainly with Daisy, my R6.

  • How would you describe the differences between small machines and more powerful machines? Where has what advantages and disadvantages? What does more fun?

[sam id=”2″ codes=”true”]Wolfi: The 600cc is similar to drive like a 250cc. But the 250cc is handy, small and compact. Because it makes mad mood when you close small courses, with the R6 I have more fun when there are fast passages. Fast courses without stop and go get me very well.

  • Were there any problems when changing?

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi InterviewWolfi: (laugh) Honestly? I thought it would be almost too easy. Of course I know that I do not get it down in my lap, but I came out of a horny 250cc 2012 season, I thought there may be something beastly tear in the 600cc. Have not worked hard enough on me and paid for it dearly!

  • What brought you to the Road Racing?

Wolfi: What? Hmm, good question. We are always driven to Frohburg since 2003. This went on until 2009, then a very good friend recommend the race in Horice/CZ. I was at the first appearance quite well go (grin)

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi Interview– Won 2011 for him there, he unfortunately died of his illness and it was always his dream to stand there on the podium. No one but me has expected a victory because Davy Morgen, a specialist on the TT and the 250cc, was there. And yes, 2012, I was then only on road courses on the go. Have in the year in the Czech Republic 250cc dominated, won 4 races 6 and placed 3 new lap records!

  • With 2014 you were not so happy, what do you expect for 2015?

Wolfi: Oh, there was a 2014? No fun. This racing year I have now been analyzed and filed away – it was abysmal to say the least!

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi Interview2015 I will find its former strength, and then a lot of fun to have a successful season … But I work almost every day, I assume all the Racing – eg where others celebrate Friday I go to the gym. On Sundays, when all their sleep it off on Saturday I go to the gym and so on.

  • In the Tourist Trophy, the drivers are loaded, ie only if you get an invitation, you can take part in the race. Does this apply to the ManxGP?

Wolfi: No, the TT you need not necessarily be invited, that’s just in Macau. However, you should already can show one or the other of success. When ManxGp and the TT it is so that you can log in normally. But must be able to demonstrate success and a judging panel will decide whether you are “good” enough.

  • How far is it to the Tourist Trophy? Will you ever start there? Have you put a goal to when?

Wolfi: Hmm, how far? About 2 ferry rides and so … 1400 km (loud laughter)

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi Interview

Nonsense, my original master plan was in 2015 to go with the TT.

Let’s see if the jury accepted me then I will go this year up there with the big boys together!

  • What does your appointment calendar for this year? Where will we find you?

Wolfi: So to fairs I will not be.

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi InterviewI begin in March in West France (Val de Vienne) with a week testing, then it goes straight to the 1000km race at the Hockenheimring. Yes these are both permanent racing, but somewhere one must work out … My ancestral race series is the International Road Racing Championship. In addition, I still go 2-3 races in Czechia. Well and when it works then the TT. Maybe even the Ulster GP.

Click here to Wolfis Diary

  • Motorsport quite expensive and sponsors is very rare. For this reason, thou hast founded the 50 Club. What can we imagine under it?

Wolfi: Yes exactly, it is cost intensive. The club is about: Each of the “donate” an amount equal to at least 50 € buys a piece on my disguise. A signature of the owner comes to the point. Moreover, this person enjoys special features … 😉

  • Clarifying our times please on who is Natz, and who drives better of you 😉

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi InterviewWolfi: So Nadi / Natz is my sister. Which has all started racing (2000). Hah, at first she was better and I get some tips from, but since 2004/2005 so I’m better and I can always reciprocation with tips and advice … (pictured here)

  • In your family are all so Motorsport Madness?

Wolfi: Phew, what’s crazy? My father, my grandfather, my uncle and aunt are used to drive kart racing. But with motorcycle or even the road race had ever thing in the hat…

  • In one picture can be seen on your homepage taped the top of your boot with blue tape. Earlier one used the boots as Tilt sensor, now one takes the knee for it. Why was the boots so worn that tape was needed? Did you get a footrest set incorrectly, a fall, you really feel the inclination with the boots or you are going just too weird? 😉

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi InterviewWolfi: No, it has a very simple reason – through many falls, which happens sometimes, the toe was so badly damaged that it started to solve the sole of the boot. If you drive 240 km / h can already be breezy then. We have also tried with cold metal to mend it … 😀

  • Which race or which route you most like and why?

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi InterviewWolfi: Phew, I have not a single favorite track. I like the fast stuff – such routes as Horice / CZ, Frohnburg, Hengelo / NL, but clearly I love the Isle of Man, with its mountain Cours!

  • Your tip for the amateur racer, what do you think makes fast?

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi InterviewWolfi: There’s only one thing – a lot of driving, have fun and let make no pressure. If you loose, you notice everything easier. Do not give so much on any of these counter chatter. Stay calm and focused.

  • What is in your private garage and what you are driving most?

Wolfgang Schuster #53 Wolfi InterviewWolfi: Hey, you and everyone else will laugh, I only have the A1 license. So go private cars only – because I have a Fiat Ducato Hymer converted into a camper, ingenious part. And otherwise, all my former and current motorcycles are in the workshop! And I’m looking forward to getting with Daisy or the small 250cc to go.

Thank Wolfi, for the interview! I wish you a successful and most of all injury-free season!

For those who know more of Wolfi and want to stay up to date, looking at and follow him on Facebook. A Youtube channel it will also set up soon. If you want to get into the 50 Club

Again on still a lot of Wolfi #53 will be read!

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