After IMOT 2021 already had to be cancelled due to Corona, the organizers have no choice but to cancel the show for 2022 as well.

After IMOT 2021 already had to be cancelled due to Corona, the organizers have no choice but to cancel the show for 2022 as well.

Until the very end, preparations for the trade fair, which was to take place in February, were pushed forward at full throttle. But since it is not foreseeable what the requirements for a trade fair will be at the time, one expects severe restrictions or even a short-term cancellation by the authorities, the fair must be canceled in advance.

“We’re doing this because we can’t offer you any certainty in terms of planning, health and costs as long as the virus is dominating business in Germany and Europe.”


The IMOT motorcycle show is then scheduled to return Feb. 24-26, 2023.


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-10 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  


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IMOT 2022 cancelled 5

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