Honda Racing Corporation (HRC) has recently announced a significant addition to its MotoGP team: The signing of Luca Marini for the 2024 and 2025 seasons, a move that sees the team secure the services of one of the most promising talents in the world of motorcycle racing.

Marini’s rise in the MotoGP

Luca Marini, who is now 26 years old, entered MotoGP, the premier class of motorcycle racing, in 2021.  This development followed an impressive career in the Moto2 World Championship, in which he recorded six victories and 15 podium finishes.  His performance in 2020 was particularly notable, when he finished second in the overall standings.


Performances in the premier class

Since entering MotoGP, Marini has proven his skills and competitive spirit.  He achieved two podiums in Grand Prix races, two pole positions and four podiums in sprint races in 2023. These performances clearly show that Marini will have a strong future in MotoGP.


A new chapter at Honda

The switch to Honda marks a new chapter in Marini’s career.  He will line up alongside Joan Mir, another outstanding rider, in the factory team.  This two-year contract underlines Honda’s confidence in Marini and signals the team’s hopes of competing at the top in the coming seasons.



With the signing of Luca Marini, Honda Racing Corporation is strategically positioning itself for the coming seasons in MotoGP.  Marini’s impressive performances in Moto2 and his steady development in MotoGP make him a valuable addition to the team.  It will be exciting to see how he develops alongside Joan Mir in the factory team and what impact he will have on Honda’s race results.


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Bestseller Nr. 3
Luca Marini (Stubble) Big Head*
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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-02-24 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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