The Honda NT1100 gets new colors and more accessories in 2024, while remaining popular with motorcyclists in Europe, especially for its special transmission option.
Honda NT1100 - 2024
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Color refresh for the upcoming season

With the 2024 model year, Honda’s NT1100 sees an expansion of its color spectrum.  In addition to the enduring Matt Iridium Grey Metallic, two new color options join the lineup: Matt Jeans Blue Metallic and Candy Chromosphere Red.  Furthermore, the rear carrier now shines in Matt Ballistic Black Metallic and thus presents itself in a changed light.


Status quo of sales success

The NT1100 was able to position itself as the best-selling touring motorcycle in Europe in 2023.  In doing so, sales figures since its introduction in 2022, with over 12,000 units sold, signal concrete demand and acceptance in the European motorcycle market.


DCT dual-clutch transmission as preferred choice

A significant 66% of buyers opted for the optional DCT dual-clutch transmission, which is a unique feature in Honda’s segment and offering.  This concise preference among buyers indicates an appreciation of this particular transmission option.


Individualization through accessories

For the potential buyers of the NT1100, Honda provides a wide range of original accessories.  These allow customization to suit individual needs and preferences in terms of comfort and functionality on long rides.  Accessories range from various topcase sizes to a quickshifter and special comfort seats.  In addition, various package options – namely “Urban,” “Touring” and “Travel” – are available to choose from, which can bundle various items and offer a price advantage.


Release date of 2024 models

The new NT1100 is expected to hit European dealerships toward the end of this year.  The availability of these models will allow interested buyers to purchase the motorcycle with the aforementioned new features and options in a timely manner.

Bestseller Nr. 1
Tachoschutzfolie Displayschutzfolie passend für Honda NT1100 2022+ 2x Anti Glare*
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  • Blitzschnelle Installation: Die Schutzfolie lässt sich mithilfe des Installationskits unkompliziert anbringen. Außerdem führt Dich unser leicht verständlicher Videoguide in wenigen Schritten durch...
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Bestseller Nr. 2
labelbike - 3D Harz Aufkleber Dekoration und Schutz des Motorrad-Schalldämpfers kompatibel mit Honda Nt1100 2022-2023*
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  • Hochwertige und einfach anzubringende Aufkleber
  • Dekoriert und repariert Stöße und Kratzer und widersteht schlechtem Wetter, Waschen und UV-Strahlen
  • Macht Ihren NT 1100 Tourer Crossover einzigartig, ohne ihn zu beschädigen
  • Made in Italy, Exklusiv Labelbike
Bestseller Nr. 3
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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-27 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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