Harley-Davidson is launching a limited edition of the FXDR 114 only for UK and Ireland.

Harley-Davidson is launching a limited edition of the FXDR 114 only for UK and Ireland.


The special Softail with the 114 Big Twin gets the endrevision in Great Britain, not in the US factories. The main difference between the standard model is the paint job. Engine, chassis and brakes are identical.
The painting work is carried out by Image Design Customs. The limited edition comes in a white / black / gold finish. Next to it, a handlebar in drag style is mounted.

Only 30 pieces of the special model are offered. The regular price of a standard FXDR 114 in the UK is £ 17,995. The special model is offered for £ 18,345.


Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-02-22 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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