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Kevin Gallas performs during the third race day of the Red Bull Romaniacs in Sibiu, Romania on July 28, 2017. // Hila Tiberiu / Red Bull Content Pool

[sam id=”2″ codes=”true”]As reported, the Red Bull Romaniacs took place last weekend. The race went on for several days. Ultimately, Graham Jarvis managed to get through with a total time of 32 hours 33 minutes and 26 seconds. He entered Romania for the ninth time and was already able to win his sixth victory.

The German, Manuel Lettenbichler, was able to win the day’s victory on the fourth day, and he came fourth overall.



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Jack Brotherthon of South Africa perform during the fourth race day of the Red Bull Romaniacs in Sibiu, Romania on July 29, 2017. // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool
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Manuel Lettenbichler of Germany performs during the fourth race day of the Red Bull Romaniacs in Sibiu, Romania on July 29, 2017. // Attila Szabo / Red Bull Content Pool
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Manuel Lettenbichler of Germany perform during the fourth race day of the Red Bull Romaniacs in Sibiu, Romania on July 29, 2017. // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool
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Manuel Lettenbichler of Germany perform during the fourth race day of the Red Bull Romaniacs in Sibiu, Romania on July 29, 2017. // Predrag Vuckovic/Red Bull Content Pool


Die Ergebnisse des Red Bull Romaniacs 2017:

R # Competitor Nat. Prolog Day1 Day1 Diff Day2 Day2 Diff Day3 Day3 Diff Day4 Day4 Diff Total Time Total Diff Status
1 1 Jarvis GBR 00:03:00 06:12:30 +00:00:00 05:35:27 +00:00:00 15:05:10 +00:00:00 05:37:19 +00:09:57 32:33:26 +00:00:00
2 4 Roman ESP 00:06:30 06:22:47 +00:10:17 05:40:45 +00:05:18 15:12:43 +00:07:33 05:45:25 +00:18:03 33:08:10 +00:34:44
3 24 Bolton GBR 00:04:30 06:49:08 +00:36:38 05:35:54 +00:00:27 15:25:21 +00:20:11 05:29:26 +00:02:04 33:24:19 +00:50:53 AB1
4 12 Lettenbichler DEU 00:04:00 06:55:49 +00:43:19 05:46:31 +00:11:04 15:21:19 +00:16:09 05:27:22 +00:00:00 33:35:01 +01:01:35
5 6 Teasdale ZAF 00:06:00 07:07:15 +00:54:45 05:52:49 +00:17:22 15:52:18 +00:47:08 05:40:31 +00:13:09 34:38:53 +02:05:27
6 13 Bolt GBR 00:01:00 07:03:06 +00:50:36 06:14:00 +00:38:33 16:21:47 +01:16:37 05:45:26 +00:18:04 35:25:19 +02:51:53
7 27 Swanepoel ZAF 00:08:00 07:07:36 +00:55:06 05:47:30 +00:12:03 16:50:28 +01:45:18 05:34:38 +00:07:16 35:28:12 +02:54:46 AB1
8 31 Enöckl AUT 00:08:30 06:43:50 +00:31:20 05:56:33 +00:21:06 17:01:11 +01:56:01 06:13:36 +00:46:14 36:03:40 +03:30:14
9 8 Scholz DEU 00:07:30 06:58:12 +00:45:42 06:17:39 +00:42:12 16:45:07 +01:39:57 06:18:22 +00:51:00 36:26:50 +03:53:24
10 5 Cyprián CZE 00:07:00 06:39:42 +00:27:12 06:53:01 +01:17:34 16:57:17 +01:52:07 06:16:56 +00:49:34 36:53:56 +04:20:30
11 16 Tuinstra NLD 00:11:15 07:08:59 +00:56:29 06:48:49 +01:13:22 17:43:10 +02:38:00 06:32:13 +01:04:51 38:24:26 +05:51:00
12 32 Józsa ROU 00:09:15 07:38:03 +01:25:33 06:48:54 +01:13:27 17:34:10 +02:29:00 06:31:45 +01:04:23 38:42:07 +06:08:41
13 29 Gallas DEU 00:08:15 08:37:51 +02:25:21 07:13:02 +01:37:35 16:57:35 +01:52:25 06:24:20 +00:56:58 39:21:03 +06:47:37 AB1
14 17 Goggia ITA 00:09:00 08:40:58 +02:28:28 06:38:09 +01:02:42 17:39:59 +02:34:49 06:22:25 +00:55:03 39:30:31 +06:57:05
15 21 Kabakchiev BGR 00:09:45 08:20:26 +02:07:56 06:26:46 +00:51:19 25:24:05 +10:18:55 06:35:08 +01:07:46 46:56:10 +14:22:44
16 18 Bertl AUT 00:07:15 07:25:19 +01:12:49 07:07:03 +01:31:36 25:48:31 +10:43:21 06:53:48 +01:26:26 47:21:56 +14:48:30
17 14 Zsolt ROU 00:11:45 10:27:51 +04:15:21 07:58:43 +02:23:16 25:30:18 +10:25:08 08:20:28 +02:53:06 52:29:05 +19:55:39
18 10 Kleynhans ZAF 00:09:30 08:44:39 +02:32:09 07:46:05 +02:10:38 28:02:02 +12:56:52 07:55:57 +02:28:35 52:38:13 +20:04:47
19 7 Marpinard FRA 00:07:45 12:04:03 +05:51:33 07:57:05 +02:21:38 26:06:50 +11:01:40 07:39:50 +02:12:28 53:55:33 +21:22:07 AB1
20 26 De Wet ZAF 00:11:00 09:51:21 +03:38:51 07:40:50 +02:05:23 28:21:40 +13:16:30 07:52:31 +02:25:09 53:57:22 +21:23:56
21 15 Schranz CHE 00:10:45 09:08:30 +02:56:00 08:11:01 +02:35:34 28:41:49 +13:36:39 07:45:46 +02:18:24 53:57:51 +21:24:25
22 28 Robert CHE 00:10:00 09:18:24 +03:05:54 08:52:29 +03:17:02 28:35:14 +13:30:04 07:36:28 +02:09:06 54:32:35 +21:59:09
23 25 Knight GBR 00:06:45 06:52:05 +00:39:35 13:16:47 +07:41:20 29:50:00 +14:44:50 05:33:51 +00:06:29 55:39:28 +23:06:02 AB2
24 30 Winterburn GBR 00:10:30 17:54:17 +11:41:47 08:52:11 +03:16:44 28:26:29 +13:21:19 07:40:33 +02:13:11 63:04:00 +30:30:34 AB1
25 23 Walker GBR 00:02:00 06:29:01 +00:16:31 05:41:12 +00:05:45 29:50:00 +14:44:50 24:35:00 +19:07:38 66:37:13 +34:03:47 AB4
26 11 Schütz CHE 00:10:15 09:06:16 +02:53:46 07:45:15 +02:09:48 28:04:09 +12:58:59 22:23:34 +16:56:12 67:29:29 +34:56:03 AB4
27 20 Allamel FRA 00:08:45 25:42:29 +19:29:59 09:01:00 +03:25:33 30:05:16 +15:00:06 09:13:08 +03:45:46 74:10:38 +41:37:12 AB1
28 9 Erasmus ZAF 00:11:30 09:33:55 +03:21:25 22:23:35 +16:48:08 29:50:00 +14:44:50 24:35:00 +19:07:38 86:34:00 +54:00:34 DSQ: AB2 AB3 AB4
29 2 Gomez ESP 00:00:00 08:59:33 +02:47:03 24:03:00 +18:27:33 29:50:00 +14:44:50 24:35:00 +19:07:38 87:27:33 +54:54:07 DSQ: AB1 AB2 AB3 AB4
30 33 Tarres ESP 00:05:30 13:54:23 +07:41:53 24:03:00 +18:27:33 29:50:00 +14:44:50 24:35:00 +19:07:38 92:27:53 +59:54:27 DSQ: AB1 AB2 AB3 AB4
31 19 Inozemtsev RUS 00:12:00 16:32:32 +10:20:02 24:03:00 +18:27:33 29:50:00 +14:44:50 24:35:00 +19:07:38 95:12:32 +62:39:06 DSQ: AB1 AB2 AB3 AB4
32 3 Young ZAF 00:05:00 19:20:22 +13:07:52 24:03:00 +18:27:33 29:50:00 +14:44:50 24:35:00 +19:07:38 97:53:22 +65:19:56 DSQ: AB1 AB2 AB3 AB4


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