Greece is planning a new regulation that will deny motorcyclists without helmets access to fuel.  The law is part of a revised road traffic code and was introduced in response to the high number of accidents in the country.  Particularly controversial: the regulation not only affects locals, but also tourists who are out and about on rented two-wheelers.

Background: High accident figures among two-wheeler riders

Motorcyclists and scooter riders are particularly frequently involved in serious accidents in Greece.  Around 38 percent of all road fatalities in the country are among two-wheeled vehicles – a figure that is significantly higher than the EU average of 18 percent.  Particularly alarming: seven out of ten motorcyclists involved in fatal accidents were not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.  One of the main reasons for this high rate is that only 80 percent of two-wheeler riders in Greece actually wear a helmet – in other EU countries, the average is 97 percent.

Young riders in particular often do not wear head protection.  This not only affects locals, but also many tourists who rent mopeds or scooters to explore the Greek islands.  A study by the Technical University of Athens found that motorcyclists between the ages of 18 and 24 are ten times more likely to die in an accident than car drivers of the same age.


The idea: No more petrol for bikers without helmets

The proposal to ban petrol stations from selling petrol to unprotected two-wheeler riders originates from a petrol station owner on Crete.  After a 17-year-old without a helmet died in an accident in his neighborhood, he decided to stop selling fuel to bikers without head protection.  The idea was taken up by Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis and Development Minister Takis Theodorikakos and is now to be enshrined in law.

If the law is passed, petrol stations would no longer be allowed to sell fuel to motorcyclists, moped riders or scooter riders without helmets.  The new law is currently being discussed in the Greek parliament and could soon come into force.


Criticism and unanswered questions

The proposal has not only been received positively.  Petrol station operators in particular have criticized the fact that they should not be responsible for enforcing the helmet requirement.  There are also fears that possible penalties for infringements could place a disproportionate burden on operators.  Another problem is that electric scooter riders, who can also ride without a helmet, would not be affected by the regulation.

In addition to the filling station regulation, the revised road traffic regulations provide for further measures to prevent accidents.  One key innovation is the introduction of a 30 km/h speed limit in almost all built-up areas, as around 50 percent of all fatal accidents occur there.


Conclusion: Will the law reduce the number of accidents?

The Greek government hopes that the measure will lead to a significant reduction in fatal accidents involving two-wheelers.  However, it remains to be seen whether the ban on petrol stations will actually lead to the desired change in behavior.  Another problem could be the monitoring and implementation of the law, as so far traffic violations – including the existing helmet requirement – have only been punished sporadically by the police.

Should the regulation actually come into force, it will also play an important role for tourists.  Anyone riding a motorcycle, moped or scooter in Greece should therefore make sure they wear a helmet, not only for safety reasons but also for practical reasons.

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