GasGas has incorporated their years of Enduro and Trials know-how into the new Enduro line-up. All bikes are equipped with the latest technology.

GasGas has incorporated their years of Enduro and Trials know-how into the new Enduro line-up. All bikes are equipped with the latest technology.


More red for GasGas

Also for the 2023 model year, four bikes will be offered in the Enduro range, all of which meet Euro5. They are equipped with the simple but intelligent EFI system, allowing for clean running and high performance. The 2-strokes also do not require a fuel mixture.

The range also includes the two-stroke EC 250 and EC 300 and the four-stroke EC 250F and EC 350F. To make the look even more aggressive, the red color scheme has been intensified.

GasGas continues to adhere to the deflection system in order to stand out from the competition on the one hand and to master even the most difficult off-road conditions on the other. Combined with the WP XACT suspension, the result should be great handling.

The changes for the 2023 model year, which is available now, mainly relate to the appearance.


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-06 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  


GasGas EC 250 - 2023
GasGas EC 250 - 2023 (1)
GasGas EC 250F - 2023
GasGas EC 250F (2)
GasGas EC 300 - 2023
GasGas EC 300 - 2023 (81)
GasGas EC 350F - 2023
GasGas EC 350F - 2023 (38)

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