There are currently an increasing number of articles stating that motorcycles in China have to be scrapped once they are 13 years old or have covered 120,000 km.  This is causing a lot of discussion.  But is this really the case?  Let's take a closer look

Origin of the rumors

The idea that Chinese motorcycles must be scrapped after 13 years or 120,000 km is based on the so-called “Compulsory Motor Vehicle Scrap Standards”.  These standards were introduced at the end of 2012/beginning of 2013 and regulate the disposal and recycling of vehicles.  However, this does not apply to all motorcycles or vehicles, but to those that are no longer roadworthy.


The actual regulations

According to Chinese regulations, motorcycles that have reached a certain mileage (120,000 km) or a certain age (13 years) must be scrapped if they are deemed no longer operational or roadworthy.  It is therefore not a question of automatically scrapping functional and well-maintained motorcycles.

There are additional regulations for registered and regularly maintained motorcycles.  As they get older, they have to be inspected more often to ensure that they are still safe and roadworthy.  Only if they fail this inspection three times in a row does the motorcycle really have to be scrapped.  This means that only motorcycles that no longer meet safety and emission standards are affected.


Effects on the market

The scrapping regulations are intended to ensure that old, unsafe and highly polluting vehicles disappear from the roads.  This should help to improve air quality and increase road safety.  At the same time, these regulations are intended to promote demand for new vehicles, which supports the domestic industry.


Misunderstandings and reality

It is important to emphasize that the regulations are not aimed at suddenly forcing intact and functional motorcycles to be scrapped.  Rather, the aim is to ensure that only those vehicles that are no longer roadworthy or environmentally friendly are scrapped.



The Chinese scrappage regulations are complex and often misunderstood.  They aim to make the roads safer and more environmentally friendly without scrapping functional vehicles unnecessarily.  It is important to understand the actual regulations and correct the common misconceptions.

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