In June 2019, BMW presented the future concept Vision DC Roadster, an electrically powered motorcycle. According to media reports, BMW has now secured 12 naming rights, nine of which have "DC" in their name and three of which contain "CE".

In June 2019, BMW presented the future concept Vision DC Roadster, an electrically powered motorcycle. According to media reports, BMW has now secured 12 naming rights, nine of which have “DC” in their name and three of which contain “CE”.


The securing of the naming rights indicates that BMW really does want to bring an electrically powered motorcycle to the market. But why the registration of so many naming rights?

It is assumed that BMW would like to keep open the possibility of bringing nine different models or categories to the market over the years. Possible models would be DC Street, DC Adventure, DC Touring, DC Roadster and so on.

Another possibility, but probably rather unlikely, would be that the variations would indicate different battery sizes or powertrains.


It is more likely that future BMW electric motorcycles will appear under the label “DC”. According to rumors, BMW is to launch three electric or hybrid models in the next two years.

The CE models could be further developments of the electric scooter C Evolution, or the “Electric Label” for the scooter sector.

For the moment, however, it must be considered as rumors.

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