New features and design of the Moto II
The Moto II is characterized by a revised design and a user-friendly interface. The device retains the simple design language of its predecessor, but has been further developed in terms of ergonomics and durability. New modular mounts allow easy integration into the cockpit of various motorcycle and scooter models.
Tom Putnam, co-founder of Beeline, said: “We are very excited to present the Moto II with its new design and improved functionality to the motorcycle community after an intensive product development phase.”
Functions of the Moto II
The Moto II offers several features that can be useful for motorcyclists:
- Turn-by-turn directions: A new mini-map displays turn-by-turn directions and important intersections.
- Mounts: Various brackets allow mounting on different motorcycles and scooters.
- Worldwide routing: The device works worldwide without additional settings.
- Route planning: Users can plan routes according to their preferences, e.g. scenic or fast routes.
- Display: A larger, high-resolution and anti-glare color display improves readability.
- Operation: The RockerTop 2 buttons allow easy operation even when wearing gloves.
- GPX import: Routes can be imported quickly and easily and used directly with the Moto II.
Mark Jenner, co-founder of Beeline, commented: “The Moto II is the result of extensive research and development and valuable feedback from our users, who have already covered over 150 million kilometers with Beeline.”
Sustainability and ease of repair
Beeline attaches great importance to sustainability and has introduced a program for easy repair, refurbishment and recycling. The products undergo rigorous testing to ensure their durability and reliability.
Models and prices
The Beeline Moto II is available in three different housing variants and can currently be pre-ordered via the Beeline website. The recommended retail prices are:
- Moto II Black Plastic Case: RRP 199.99 € (approx. 217 USD)
- Moto II Metal Edition Gunmetal Grey: RRP 229.99 € (approx. 250 USD)
- Moto II Metal Edition Silver: RRP 229.99 € (approx. 250 USD)
The functions of the Beeline app are available free of charge.
Further information on the Moto II and other Beeline products can be found on the official website The products are available both online and from specialist retailers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
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- SCHÖNES DESIGN: Wählen Sie das perfekte Finish für Ihr Fahrrad. Ganz gleich, ob Sie klassisch, abenteuerlich oder sportlich unterwegs sind, ein Beeline Moto II sieht aus, als wäre er dazu...
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- Passend für folgende Stangendurchmesser: 22,2 mm, 25,4 mm, 28,6 mm, 31,8 mm
- Im Lieferumfang enthalten: Lenkerklemmhalterung aus Metall, Lenkerabstandshalter, Kurzanleitung. Für die Installation ist ein 2,5-mm-Inbusschlüssel erforderlich, nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten.
- Kompatibel mit Moto II-Geräten oder mit Original-Moto-Geräten unter Verwendung des Original-Moto-zu-Moto-II-Montageadapters.
- Konvertieren Sie Premium-Halterungen, die für originale Beeline Moto-Geräte entwickelt wurden, um mit Moto II-Geräten zu funktionieren. Beachten Sie, dass es über vier...
- Im Lieferumfang enthalten: Originaler Beeline Moto-zu-Moto II-Montageadaptereinsatz, Schnellstartanleitung
- Kompatibel mit Original Moto Original Moto Lenkerklemmen, Rollern und 1-Zoll-Kugelhalterungen, nicht kompatibel mit Universalhalterungen oder Moto II Premium-Halterungen.
Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-28 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API