The Bathams AJN Racing Team is once again relying on a proven rider pairing in 2025: Team Manager Michael Rutter and Craig Neve will be racing together for the third year in a row.  However, while Rutter is making a fundamental change to his racing program, Neve is sticking to the tried-and-tested line.

Rutter concentrates on the Supertwin class

Seven-time TT winner Michael Rutter will no longer be competing in the 1000cc classes for the first time in 2025.  Instead, he will focus on the three-round Metzeler/Entire Cover Insurance Supertwin TT races with his Yamaha R7.

Rutter can look back on an impressive TT career with 91 starts.  Last year he achieved three more top ten finishes, including a seventh place in the first Supertwin TT race.  He also finished ninth in both the RST Superbike TT and the Milwaukee Senior TT on his BMW, achieving his best lap time of 129.415 mph.

Despite these strong performances, Rutter decided to leave the 1000cc classes behind immediately after last year’s TT:

“Standing on the start line for a Superbike race at the TT is the ultimate feeling.  But although I was happy with my top ten finishes, I knew it was time to shift my focus and concentrate on the team goals.”

He emphasized that the dual role of team manager and active driver in several classes is a challenge:

“Leading a successful team at this level requires 100% commitment.  If I drive in all classes, the team management suffers – and that wouldn’t be fair to Craig.”

His decision to forgo the major classes is intended to ensure that the team is optimally positioned and that Neve receives the best possible support.


Craig Neve relies on continuity

Craig Neve remains loyal to the team and will once again compete with his Honda CBR1000RR-R Fireblade SP in the RST Superbike TT, the Milwaukee Senior TT and the RL360/PE Superstock TT.  Rutter has brought Ray Stringer, an experienced technician, into the team to provide support:

“Ray knows the Hondas inside out. His knowledge of electronics and suspension set-up will be a great help and offer Craig the best possible conditions.”

After an unlucky 2024 season due to injury, Neve wants to build on his strong performances from 2023.  Two years ago, he achieved his best results to date with eighth place in the second Supersport TT and tenth place in the Senior TT, setting a personal best time of 130.863 mph.  However, a serious crash in qualifying at Greeba Castle in 2024 and an associated knee injury prevented him from making any further progress.

Neve is fighting back:

“After my breakthrough in 2023, I wanted to improve further last year and attack the top six.  But the crash ruined all my plans.  The goal for 2025 is clear: get back to the level of 2023 – and surpass it if possible.”


New bike for the Supersport category

Neve will also be competing in both Monster Energy Supersport TT races – this time on a Triumph Street Triple 765RS.  He sees this as an important building block for his return to the top:

“Continuity is the key.  With the familiar Honda and a brand new Triumph, we are well positioned.  Ray also brings a lot of experience with him, especially from his time at Hawk Racing in the BSB.  If we can find improvements here and there, I am confident that we can reach the top ten again.”

With this clear strategy and the well-coordinated Rutter-Neve duo, Batham’s AJN Racing is well prepared for the TT 2025. Whether Neve achieves his goals and Rutter can impress in the Supertwin class will be revealed in June on the legendary Isle of Man.

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