In the future, anyone driving in a lane closed by a "red X" in Great Britain could automatically receive a 100-pound fine and three points on their driver's license.

In the future, anyone driving in a lane closed by a “red X” in Great Britain could automatically receive a 100-pound fine and three points on their driver’s license.

Great Britain has revised its road traffic regulations. In addition to unlimited fines, prison sentences of up to 14 years are possible in extreme cases.


Intelligent highway

A system has now also been introduced that releases the hard shoulder of an intelligent all-lane running freeway for traffic in order to relieve it accordingly. Signs on the highway inform drivers which lanes are currently open.

However, if a vehicle breaks down or there are other obstacles in the lane, the camera monitoring system will also ensure that the lane is closed again.


If a road user does not comply, he is automatically recorded by the cameras and subsequently fined £100 and given 3 points on his driver’s license.


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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2024-05-08 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  


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