Die geplante Übernahme von Dorna Sports durch Liberty Media bleibt weiter in der Schwebe.  Ursprünglich wollte das US-amerikanische Unternehmen den Deal bereits Ende 2024 abschließen, doch die Europäische Kommission (EC) hat eine vertiefte Prüfung eingeleitet – und nun wurde die Frist für eine Entscheidung erneut verschoben.

Liberty Media’s takeover of Dorna delayed again

The planned takeover of Dorna Sports by Liberty Media remains in limbo.  The US company originally wanted to complete the deal by the end of 2024, but the European Commission (EC) has initiated an in-depth review – and now the deadline for a decision has been postponed again.


Concerns of the EU Commission

The European Commission is investigating the planned takeover in particular due to competition law concerns.  As Liberty Media already holds the rights to Formula 1, the EC sees possible restrictions on competition for broadcasting rights in motorsport.  In many markets, MotoGP is regarded as the only serious competition to Formula 1. If Liberty Media were to own both series, this could have a significant impact on competition for TV and streaming rights.

In addition, another Liberty Media subsidiary, Liberty Global, operates broadband services in several European countries.  The EU Commission fears that this could further restrict competition in the area of sports broadcasts.


Deadline extended to June 2025

The European Commission had already announced in December 2024 that it would examine the takeover plans in detail.  At that time, it set itself a deadline of 90 days, with an original decision date of May 14, 2025. However, on January 22, 2025, this deadline was extended by a further 20 working days, meaning that the final decision is now to be made by June 16, 2025 at the latest.

No further explanation was given as to why the Commission extended the deadline.  Liberty Media had originally planned to complete the takeover before the start of the 2025 MotoGP season.  The new delay could therefore have an impact on the company’s future plans.

It remains to be seen whether and under what conditions the takeover will ultimately be approved.  The European Commission’s decision is likely to be decisive for the future of MotoGP and other racing series managed by Dorna Sports.

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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-03-03 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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