For the second time, the Braapaholics invite you to tour together. All 125 are welcome, regardless of whether Scooter, Quad, Cross, Sport Bike … There are already over 600 commitments and anyone can join (even with more displacement), only he has to adapt to the speed …

When and where to start the tour?

Braapaholics Ansbach4
zum Event

The meeting point is at 14/09/2014 9:30 clock in Ansbach. From all directions there is a rally there be a host of venues. Accurate be found on the Facebook page of the Braapaholicsblank

Why the common exit and was’ist offered?

Why? -Because they can … smiley emoticons biggrin Just because you can take an example of it. How difficult it is often to get a few people for ne joint tour together?

Braapaholics Ansbach5What’s on offer? A joint tour. No more and no less. There is no social aspect of the matter. This is about what too often gets in the background – simply the fun of it! A bold fun it is for sure! smiley emoticons hurra3

Braapaholics Ansbach2Anyone who wants to can already arrive the night before and camp on a private property. This gives them all a whole new page. What’s going on here everything is possible or do I just let your imagination, but you should not exaggerate in order not to miss the ride the next day… smiley emoticons ugly

Where is the ride?

Braapaholics Ansbach3It is about 150 – 180 km across Franken. The exact route is still a mystery of Braapaholics. The rest has to be surprised. As a little treat is certainly a trip planned on a site where you – let’s say, perform exercises can improve his driving skills. smiley emoticons bravo2

Who goes with everything?

Who says only teens mistaken. Sure, the majority will be even younger but also older have a liking to 125cc. smiley emoticons smilina

Braapaholics Ansbach1It means always the motorcyclists have no offspring. I’m talking here not from Potency of the biker smiley emoticons lachtotNo, but there will always be less, because the youth has no interest. Here we are proven otherwise! And precisely for this reason, it is also something for older. We are all bikers, and that should count for more – we are all the same and for that we should be back. smiley emoticons nicken

Who are ever the Braapaholics?

[sam id=2 codes=true]They are a motorcycle crew from the space Ansbach. The like to go together, but also celebrate together, chill, screw, play poker … Just like to do something together.

Braapaholics Ansbach6Founded they have about a year ago. The idea for the tour came from a friend. They are currently 37 members, who are mostly on Supermoto bikes. The youngest member is 16 and the oldest 22 years. If you want to become a member you just have to group match, which already turns out after a few trips and the one or other party. Only then you can also call Braapaholic … smiley emoticons freu2

My most respect have the Braapaholics anyway. So what to put on the legs is a brilliant thing and since one or the other old hands can sometimes take an example, because this applies to something as simple as brilliant, just have fun.smiley emoticons bravo2smiley emoticons gott

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