A thrilling showdown is brewing in the Northern Talent Cup: German racer Rocco Caspar Sessler is aiming to overtake the championship leader from Switzerland at the final race weekend in Hockenheim, while several drivers from different countries still have title chances. Injuries, team dynamics and a packed race calendar add further elements of tension to the dramatic season finale.

A German hopeful

For the first time, a German racer has the chance to decide the Northern Talent Cup final in his favor.  Rocco Caspar Sessler hopes to catch up with the current championship leader Lenoxx Phommara from Switzerland at the final race weekend in Hockenheim.  The decisive race weekend will take place at the IDM between September 22 and 24.  Four drivers can still hope for the title in this showdown.


The rivals in view

Lenoxx Phommara, a 16-year-old Swiss, has collected the most points so far with four wins and six other podium finishes, namely 213. Rocco Caspar Sessler, who competes for the MCA Racing Team, had even taken the top spot in the standings in the meantime.  However, a difficult race at the Red Bull Ring in Austria set him back.  He is currently 15 points behind Phommara, but has three wins and five second places to his name this season.


Sessler’s motivation

“I’ve had a lot of great experiences at the Hockenheimring and have been able to put in a lot of miles on the track there, so I’m really looking forward to competing with the MCA Racing Team,” commented Sessler.  While he sees his chances of winning the championship title as challenging, he is determined, “It’s going to be close with the championship, but I’m going to give it my all to win it.”


Other contenders and outsiders

Sessler’s teammate from Denmark, Julius Ahrenkiel-Frellsen, is also still in the title race.  He is only five points behind Sessler, putting him 20 points behind Phommara.  Hungarian Martin Vincze, with his 167 points, also theoretically still has a chance, although he knows that making up 46 points in this strong field is a mammoth task.  Filip Novotny from the Czech Republic, meanwhile, no longer has any hopes of winning the title.


Bad luck with injuries for Anakin Zelenak

Anakin Zelenak, who has experienced some ups and downs in his first Northern Talent Cup season, will miss the final.  A broken collarbone, which he suffered during a bicycle training session, will prevent him from participating.


The schedule for the final

The final race weekend will start on Friday with the first free practice session at 09:55, followed by other practice sessions.  On Saturday at 10:40, the first qualifying session will begin, which will determine the starting grid for the first race at 14:40.  The second qualifying session will start on Sunday at 09:50 and will decide the line-up for the final race at 14:35.  The races will be broadcast live on idm.de/live.


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