The German Stuntdays an event of stuntriders for freestyle bikers and stuntriders, but also for all others with petrol in the blood, which have fun at wheelies and stoppies.

[sam id=”2″ codes=”true”]The motorcycle meeting takes place at the former military airfield Zerbst / Anhalt. Space is enough. But it is also needed when up to 30 drivers simultaneously show their skills on the locked area.

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Over 100 motorcycle stunt drivers from Germany and Europe will be there to measure themselves in different disciplines. A discipline would be “Ravenol’s Fastest Wheelie”, for example. Here, two participants compete against each other in KO-System. 50m on the rear wheel to a ton and 50m back. The faster comes on. Longest Stoppie is almost self-explanatory. 30m is available to speed up. Then the rear wheel must be in the air. Whoever rolls furthest wins.

A highlight should be Best Show. Each driver or team has 5 minutes to deliver their own show. This is where the complete skill is retrieved.

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Drift cars, quads, go-karts, BMW, FMX and more are also available for variety.

For 10 € entrance you can watch on Saturday the 08.07.  From 6-12 years the entrance costs 5 €. Under six years it is free. This year, for the first time, a grandstand will provide a good view.

I will be there too, but not to drive, just to report about it.

More Infos on and in the Event-Calender


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