The Fellows Ride Schwarzwald took place on 13 July 2024, organized by the Touratech headquarters in Niedereschach.  The event was not just a motorcycle demonstration, but also served the important purpose of raising awareness of the widespread illness of depression and collecting donations for local aid projects.

Attention-grabbing convoy

Around 80 motorcyclists gathered at the Touratech site in perfect weather.  Under the motto “With an open visor for depression aid”, they set off to make a statement against the taboo surrounding depression.  The tour led through the picturesque roads of the Black Forest foothills, accompanied by police escorts on motorcycles, which attracted additional attention.


Lunch stop and rally

The convoy stopped for lunch in Hofstetten in Kinzigtal to eat together and hold a rally.  The convoy then returned to the Touratech headquarters, where the final rally and donation handover took place at around 3:30 pm.


Presentation of donations and words of thanks

In the presence of Niedereschach Mayor Martin Ragg, Dieter Schneider and the organizers of the Fellows Ride presented two symbolic cheques for 1,500 euros each to representatives of the Luisenklinik – Zentrum für Verhaltensmedizin and the Vinzenz von Paul Hospital.  A total of 3,000 euros (approx. 3,300 USD) was thus collected.


Dieter Schneider, the founder of the Fellows Ride movement, was very satisfied: “I would like to thank Touratech for the perfect organization and the extraordinary support.  Touratech even took part in the Fellows Ride with its own team and supported the project with a very generous donation.  The atmosphere at the event was really excellent and I’m already looking forward to next year’s Fellows Ride Schwarzwald.”


Touratech’s support since 2018

Touratech has been supporting the Fellows Rides since 2018 with parts and equipment and helping to communicate the theme.  Philipp Blum, Head of Marketing at Touratech GmbH, emphasized: “Fellows Ride is a project close to our hearts that we have been happy to support from the very beginning.  I am delighted that we are able to spread the important message of suicide prevention and depression support through our channels.  It was a very special honor for us to host the first Fellows Ride Schwarzwald.”


About Fellows Ride

The Fellows Ride project was launched by Dieter Schneider.  After the suicide of his son, who was suffering from depression, the former Olympic fencer undertook a trip around the world by motorcycle to deal with the trauma.  During this trip, he developed the concept of Fellows Rides.  These demonstrations are intended to draw public attention to the issue of depression with joint rides and at the same time collect donations for local aid projects.

Fellows Rides now take place in many countries, including Germany, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland and the USA.  Numerous volunteers support the project and help to spread the important message.

SaleBestseller Nr. 1
Dr. Wack - S100 Total Reiniger Plus 2 Liter - Effektiver Motorrad-Reiniger mit Gel-Formel - Schonende Reinigung von Verschmutzungen - Hohe Ergiebigkeit & Reinigungskraft - Hochwertige Motorradpflege*
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  • DR. WACK PREMIUM PFLEGE - Seit 1975 produziert Dr. Wack Chemie GmbH hochwirksame & innovative Pflege- & Reinigungsprodukte für Autos, Motorräder & Fahrräder in höchster Qualität - made in...
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Letzte Aktualisierung am 2025-01-20 / *Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API  

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